• CorpsAfrica applies the most effective approaches to international development.

  • Human capital is the most valuable resource in Africa.

  • Empowering women and girls has a magnified impact on creating lasting social change.

  • CorpsAfrica is committed to encouraging bolder philanthropy toward poverty in Africa.

  • CorpsAfrica can serve as a model for public service and community development.

    Welcome to CorpsAfrica

    CorpsAfrica provides young adults across Africa the opportunity to serve as “Peace Corps Volunteers” in their own countries and help drive solutions to poverty at the community level (like “AmeriCorps” for African countries).  We recruit men and women to move to high-poverty communities and initiate projects that fulfill key needs and whose impact and success can be carefully measured and monitored.  ”Graduates” of the program can go on to serve in other African countries.  CorpsAfrica serves as a model for national service and participatory, collaborative and accountable community development across Africa.

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    Corps Africa Blog

    Latest News

    CorpsAfrica featured in "Morocco On The Move"!!
    CorpsAfrica Grows from Morocco to Senegal and Malawi
    Read the CorpsAfrica Volunteer BLOG
    Follow their journeys and share their experiences through firsthand stories.
    Interview of CorpsAfrica's Founder
    Interview of CorpsAfrica's Founder
    Liz Fanning is interviewed on “Everyday Service” with Bonnie Nelson...

    See pictures of CorpsAfrica Volunteers, events, field trips, etc...

    What We Do

    CorpsAfrica’s model is smart, efficient, produces short-term and long-term results and can be replicated and scaled up throughout Africa – and beyond.

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    Tribute to Richard Holbrooke

    CorpsAfrica’s Board of Directors is organizing a special tribute to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to fund the Morocco Country Director’s position in his name.

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    Failing Forward

    CorpsAfrica recognizes that the most valuable lessons often come from the biggest failures.


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